Don’t Let the B******s Get You Down

I spotted this book at the library and thought I’d give it a go because I like Janet Street-Porter. The book is set out like a magazine: there is colourful print, different font sizes and there are photographs and illustrations on every spread. It reads like one of her Daily Mail rants except this is longer. So it’s not a heavy or lengthy read but it’s still quite good because she makes some valid points. I can’t say I learned much that is new but I am inspired to make some small changes in my life.

The best bit of the book is on the last couple of pages:

Milan Kundera wrote a novel entitled The Unbearable Lightness of Being. It was a reaction against Nietzsche’s theory that every event in the world will ‘eternally return’ i.e. happen again. Kundera says you’ve got one life to lead and nothing repeats itself. ‘Lightness’ means that decisions and events aren’t that important.

Lightness is also not accumulating too much stuff to worry about.
Too many possessions.
Too many handbags, cars, frocks, and potted plants.
In the end, friends are your most valued possessions. The state and bureaucracy are something to be kept in check and not allowed to dominate your precious time.

Lightness means removing these unnecessary weights from your shoulders.

(45th in 2012)

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